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Thibaut Devillers - Best poster award in Symposium E

Thibaut Devillers, PhD student in our laboratory, has been awarded the prize for the best poster presentation at the fall meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) held in Warsaw from September 4 to 8, 2006. 

Published on 8 September 2006
E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw, September 4-8. The meeting included 10 parallel symposia, plenary sessions and some training activities for young researchers and scientists wishing to extend their expertise to new fields. The conference was supported by the State Committee for Scientific Research and was co-organized by the Polish Materials Society and Polish Materials Science Society.
It is on this occasion that Thibaut Devillers, PhD student in our laboratory, was awarded the prize for the best poster.

The subject of his thesis defended on November 28, 2008 was:
Ferromagnetic phases of Ge1-xMnx for spintronics applications. 
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