Khaled Arfaoui, Marc-Antoine Colombier et Macha Méplan, students in first year of master at Université Grenoble Alpes visit the laboratory for their internship respectively dedicated to the
determination of the phase diagram of UCoGe from specific heat measurements, the
thermoelectric properties of kagome lattice metallic systems and the
preparation of an experimental setup for the measurement of ac magnetic susceptibility at very low temperature.
Simon Rousseau successfully defends his PhD thesis "Anomalous transport properties of the skyrmion compound EuPtSi" at Université Grenoble-Alpes (
Midori Amano-Patino starts a two-year post-doctoral training in collaboration with Institut Néel. It is dedicated to the s
ynthesis of novel topological systems in the framework of Valentin Taufour's Chair of Excellence.
Juliette Lizion begins a two-year post-doctoral position on the p
reparation of magnetocaloric materials for use in spatial refrigeration. This work is supported by CNES and is performed in collaboration with the IRIG Department of Low Temperature Systems (
Adrien Rosuel is granted the grade of doctor of Université Grenoble-Alpes after the successful defense of his PhD thesis entitled "
Tuning the spin-triplet superconducting state by a magnetic field in UTe2and UCoGe" (
Haroune Akhrib and Pierre Le Berre, both students in first year of master at Université Grenoble Alpes, begin an intership in the lab, respectively on the
measurement of the low temperature transport properties of the kagome compounds AV3Sb5(A = K, Cs, Rb) and on the
tuning of an experimental setup for the measurement of ac magnetic susceptibility.
Valentin Taufour, professor at University of California Davis, visits the laboratory for a project dedicated to the s
ynthesis of novel topological systems in collaboration with Institut Néel. This project is carried out in the framework of a Chair of Excellence from Labex Lanef. It consists of three three-month long visits spanning until 2025.
Julien Devulder from Université Paris-Cité joins the lab for his M2 project dedicated to the design of an
experimental setup for thermal Hall effect measurements in topological superconductors at very low temperature. From October, he proceeds with the preparation of a PhD thesis.
November Timothée Vasina starts the preparation of his PhD degree on the determination of the phase diagram of the
UTe2 superconductor under high pressure and magnetic field from measurements of electrical resistivity and heat capacity.
June Elea Bourliaud, from Univ. Grenoble Alpes, begins an internship (stage d’excellence) at the L2 level, on the
preparation of a new device for thermal transport measurements.
March Nils Marquardt (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Univ. Grenoble Alpes) joins the lab for his Diplom-M2 project on
dilatometry measurements of the spin-triplet superconductor UTe2. From January 2023, he continues this work as a PhD student.
David Vincent, PhD student from Rennes Institute of Chemical Sciences, starts a long term visit in the lab for
dielectric constant measurements in multiferroic compounds under high pressure.
May Janyce Beaurain, from Univ. Grenoble Alpes, begins an internship (stage d’excellence) at the L2 level,
building and testing a new set-up for specific heat measurements of unconventional superconductors.
April Julia Mokdad defends her PhD thesis (Univ. Grenoble Alpes) entitled
Mott memories: study of candidate material GaV4S8. (
March Lucile Leguay from université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 enrolls for her M2 project in the lab:
thermal expansion and magnetostriction measurements on the novel heavy fermion superconductor UTe2.
October Simon Rousseau begins the preparation of his PhD degree on
quantum transport in topological matter, in partnership with the Grenoble high magnetic field laboratory.
March Adrien Rosuel from Univ. Grenoble Alpes begins his M2 intership dedicated to
calorimetry studies of the recently discovered superconductor UTe2. The internship is continued in November 2019 with the preparation of a PhD degree.