Theory of superconductivity in ferromagnetic compounds, physics of superfluid He
Researcher (1972-1991) and Vice-director (1992-1999) of L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences
- Senior Scientist (2006-. . . ) Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique, Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire de Grenoble, Grenoble, France
L.D. Landau prize of Russian Academy of Sciences, 1992
, Osaka University, 2010 (supervision together with K. Miyake)
V. Michal, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, 2012
Assistant, assosiate professor and professor (1977-1999)
Chairman of the Chair ”Problems of Theoretical Physics” of Moscow Institute of Physics and Tech- nology (1991-1999)
Professor of Ecole Doctorale Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (1991, 1994-96, 2006, 2010)
Invited Professor Weizmann Institute, Israel, 2008
Invited Professor Saint Andrews University, UK, 2009.
V.P. Mineev "Topologically stable defects and solitons in ordered media", Harwood Acad. Publ., 1998
V.P. Mineev, K.V. Samokhin "Introduction to the theory of nonconventional superconductivity", MITP Publ., 1998 and Harwood Acad. Publ., 1998.
Editorial activity
Editor of the Proceedings of "The first Landau Institute Summer School 1993”, Gordon and Breach Publ., 1995
Coeditor of Landau Institute Collected Papers, World Sc., 1996
Scientific Board Membership
Responsible person for the Scientific Collaboration Programme Ecole Normale Supérieure and CNRS (France) and Landau Institute (Russia) 1991-1999
Member of Landau Institute Scientific Councils 1984-. . . .
Member and Chairman of Organizing and Program committees of many international conferences.
Referee in
Nature Physics,
Phys. Rev. Lett. and many other physical magazines.
Reviewer of scientific proposals for grants in National Science Foundation USA, Department of Energy USA, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russian Scientific Foundation, Russian Megagrants Program, scientific foundations in United Kingdom, Holland, Israel.
Opponent and Jury member on many PhD and Doctor of Science defences.
Invited speaker and lecturer on many international Conferences, Schools etc
Main scientific invitations
Aspen Center for Physics, USA, 1977, 1989
Cornell University, Bell Labs, USA, 1977
Institut des Haut Etudes Scientifique, Bures sur Yvette, France, 1978-1979
Niels Bohr Institute, Kopenhagen, Danemark, 1980, 1998
Chalmers University Sweden, 1981
Low Temperature Laboratory, Otaniemi, Finland, 1979-1992
Laboratoire Louis Neel, Grenoble, France, 1991
Institute Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France, 1993
Universite Joseph Fourier and CEA Grenoble, France, 1994-1996
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, USA, 1998-1999, 2005
University of Florida, Gainsville, USA, 1987, 1989
Yukawa Institute, Kyoto, Japan, 1999
Cambridge University, Lancaster University, the University of Manchester, UK, 1993
Oxford University, Cambridge University, UK, 2003
Tel-Aviv University and Weizmann Institute, Israel, 2004, 2008
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa-Barbara, USA, 2007
ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 1991, 2003, 2008
Edinburgh University, Saint-Andrews University, Cambridge University, University of Manchester, UK, 2009
ISSP, and Kyoto University Japan, 2009
Argonne National Laboratory USA, 2011
Publications since 2013
142. V.P. Mineev
Half quantum vortices.
ow Temperature Physics / Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur,
39, No. 10, pp. 1056-1062 (2013)
143. V.P. Mineev
Magnetic relaxation in uranium ferromagnetic superconductors.
Phys. Rev. B,
88, 224408 (2013)
144. V.P. Mineev
Magnetostatics and optics of noncentrosymmetric metals.
Phys. Rev. B,
88, 134514 (2013)
145. B. Fak, D. T. Adroja, M. Enderle, M. Bohm, G. Lapertot, and V.P. Mineev
Anomalous spin response in non-centrosymmetric CePt3Si.
Journ. Phys. Soc. Jp.
83, 063703 (2014)
146. S. Raymond, S. M. Ramos, D. Aoki, G. Knebel, V.P. Mineev and G. Lapertot
Magnetic order in Ce
5: The Q-phase at zero magnetic field
Journ. Phys. Soc. Jp.
83, 013707 (2014)
147. V.P. Mineev
Superconducting phase transition of Sr
4 in a magnetic field
Phys. Rev. B,
89, 134519 (2014)
148. V.P. Mineev
Superconductivity in uranium compounds
Phys. Rev. B, 90, 064506 (2014)
149. V.P. Mineev
Half-quantum vortices in Polar Phase of Superfluid He-3
Journ. Low Temp. Phys.
177, 48 (2014)
150. V.P. Mineev, Yu.Yoshioka
Erratum: Optical activity of noncentrosymmetric metals
Phys. Rev. B,
89, 139902 (2014)
151. V.P. Mineev
Reentrant superconductivity in URhGe
Phys. Rev. B, 91, 014506 (2015)
152. V.P. Mineev
2: Hidden order and amplitude of quantum oscillations
arXiv:1504.05020 [cond-mat.str-el]
153. V.P. Mineev
NMR properties of polar phase of superuid He-3 in anisotropic aerogel under rotation
J. Low Temp Phys.,
184, 1007-1014 (2016)
154. V.P. Mineev
Antiferromagnetic order in CeCoIn
5 oriented by spin-orbital coupling
Low Temperature Physics / Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur,
43, No. 1, pp.15-21 (2017). Special issue dedicated to 100 jubilee I.M.Lifshitz
155. V.P. Mineev
Superconductivity in Uranium Compounds
Успехи физических наук,
187, 129 (2017) [Physics- Uspekhi 60, 121 (2017)]
156. V.P. Mineev
Phase Diagram of UCoGe
Phys. Rev. B, 95, 104501 (2017)
157. V.P. Mineev
Superconductivity in the Ferromagnet URhGe under uniaxial pressure
Phys. Rev. B,
96, 104501 (2017)
158. V.P. Mineev
Лауреаты Нобелевской премии по физике 2016 года – Д.Таулесс, Д.Холдейн, М.Костерлиц, Природа 1, 67 (2017)
159. V.P. Mineev
Theory of type-II superconductivity in ferromagnetic metals with triplet pairing
Low Temperature Physics / Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 44, 663 (2018). Special issue dedicated to 90 jubilee A.A. Abrikosov
160. V.P.
Mineev Influence of Exchange Scattering on Superfluid He-3 states in Nematic Aerogel
Phys. Rev. B, 98, 014501 (2018)
161. V.P. Mineev
Low-temperature resistance in metals without inversion center
Phys. Rev. B, 98 165121 (2018)