Thesis presented December 18, 2023
Abstract: In the fields of quantum communications and quantum computing, the transmission of information using single photons guarantees the security of the communication and enables calculations that would be impossible with our "classical" computers. One of the key elements in implementing such protocols is the photon source. It must emit, on demand, one and only one photon with specific quantum properties.
The aim of this project is to characterise a source of single and indistinguishable photons, designed and manufactured at CEA-Grenoble, and consisting of an indium arsenide (InAs) semiconductor quantum dot integrated into a gallium arsenide (GaAs) nanocavity. With its low quality factor, the nanocavity enables photons to be extracted efficiently over a wide range of wavelengths (30nm). In addition, thanks to its small mode volume, the spontaneous emission of quantum dots within it can be accelerated by Purcell effect (Purcell factor up to 6).
In this manuscript, we first detail the implementation and the optimisation of the experimental setups used to characterise the photons emitted by our sample : microphotoluminescence, radiative lifetime measurement, Hanbury-Brown and Twiss (HBT) experiment and Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) experiment. Then, we present the experimental results obtained for photons emitted by two distinct quantum dots : One containing neutral exciton states, and the second, containing a charged exciton state. In order to photo-create these exciton states in the quantum dots, two pulsed optical excitation schemes were implemented: the two-photon resonant excitation of the neutral biexciton, and the phonon-assisted quasi-resonant excitation of the neutral and charged excitons. We present the measurement of the three figures of merit of a single photon source for these two quantum dots : the brightness, the single-photon purity and the indistinguishability of the emitted photons. In a second phase, we will focus on the charged exciton state and measure the profile of its emission line and its autocorrelation function under continuous resonant excitation. These results, achieved within the nano-photonics group of the University of Basel, constitute the first demonstration of continuous excitation on these nanostructures, which is a good surprise given their small size.
Finally, we will look at the effects of the application of mechanical stress on the energy separation of the two neutral exciton states, known as the "fine structure splitting" (FSS). During the radiative cascade of the neutral biexciton state, the two photons emitted are entangled in polarisation, and the fidelity of the entanglement depends in particular on the FSS. Here, we will consider a second sample, where the InAs quantum dots are embedded in a GaAs photonic nanowire. By bending the nanowire, mechanical stresses are applied to the quantum dots, which will modify the energy of the exciton states. We will present an experimental study aimed at observing a possible effect on the fine structure splitting.
In conclusion, we have developed and optimised various experimental setups for characterising photon sources for applications in the fields of quantum communications and quantum computing. For a first version of these photonic nanostructures, the brightness, the single-photon purity and the indistinguishability of the photons emitted by our quantum dots integrated into nanocavities are very encouraging for the future. The next objectives are to improve the nanocavities and to characterise the decoherence phenomena and the mechanical coupling between the quantum dots and these nanostructures.
Single photon source, Quantum optics, Nanophotonics, Quantum dot, Quantum communications
On-line thesis.