Thesis presented July 19, 2010
We have studied the spin-orbit coupling and optical properties in several low-dimensional semiconductors structures. First, the spin dynamics in (001) GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional electron gas was investigated by time resolved Kerr rotation technique under a transverse magnetic field. The in-plane spin lifetime is found to be anisotropic. The results show that the electron density in two-dimensional electron gas channel strongly affects the Rashba spin-orbit coupling. Then, a large anisotropy of the magnitude of in-plane conduction electron g factor in asymmetric (001) GaAs/AlGaAs QWs was observed and its tendency of temperature dependence was studied. Second, the experimental study of the in-plane-orientation dependent spin splitting in the C(0001) GaN/AlGaN two-dimensional electron gas at room temperature was reported. The measurement of circular photogalvanic effect current clearly shows the isotropic in-plane spin splitting in this system for the first time. Third, the first measurement of conduction electron g factor in GaAsN at room temperature was done by using time resolved Kerr rotation technique. It demonstrates that the g factor can be modified drastically by introducing a small amount of nitrogen in GaAs bulk. Finally, the optical characteristic of indirect type II transition in a series of size and shape-controlled linear CdTe/CdSe/CdTe heterostructure nanorods was studied by steady-state and time resolved photoluminescence. Our results show the steady transfer from the direct optical transition (type I) within CdSe to the indirect transition (type II) between CdSe/CdTe a the length of the nanorods increases.
Spintronics, Spin-Orbit Coupling, Semiconductor Structure, Quantum Well, Two-Dimensional Electron Gas, Semiconductor Spectroscopy, Time-Resolved Kerr Rotation
On-line thesis.