Thesis presented September 15, 2022
Abstract: Coherent and strong coupling between photons and solid-state qubits, in the form of circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED), has been harnessed for two-qubit gates mediated by photons and high-fidelity quantum non-demolition readout, which are the building blocks of large-scale quantum computation. Recently, circuit QED has been extended to gate-defined semiconductor quantum dots. In this thesis, we develop a novel hybrid circuit QED architecture composed of a high-impedance superconducting microwave resonator and spins localized in silicon-MOS quantum dots. To control and measure the spin degrees of freedom, this hybrid system needs to operate at finite magnetic field. Consequently, we develop and characterize microwave resonators based on thin niobium nitride (NbN) films featuring a high kinetic inductance. We demonstrate high-impedance resonators with magnetic field resilience and low photon loss rates. We then co-integrate the NbN resonators on silicon spin qubit chips. With a hole confined in a double quantum dot (DQD), we report the first realization of a strong hole charge-photon interaction bordering the ultra-strong coupling regime. At finite magnetic field, putting the spin transition energy in resonance with the microwave cavity, we observe large vacuum Rabi mode splittings, signature of a strong spin-photon coupling. Our findings are well captured by the modelling of a hole DQD with different anisotropic Zeeman response in each dot and spin-orbit coupling dependent tunnel rates. We also find a sizeable spin-photon coupling when the hole is localized in the single quantum dot, in line with recent theoretical predictions. The different works presented in this manuscript pave the way for circuit QED with hole spins in gate-defined semiconductor quantum dots.
Hole spin qubit, superconducting resonators, strong coupling
On-line thesis.