Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical Endpoint in UCoAl
Aoki D, Combier T, Taufour V, Matsuda TD, Knebel G, Kotegawa H, Flouquet J
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 (2011) 094711
Properties of ferromagnetic superconductors
Aoki D, Hardy F, Miyake A, Taufour V, Matsuda TD, Flouquet J
Comptes Rendus Physique 12 (2011) 573-583
Pressure Evolution of the Magnetic Field induced Ferromagnetic Fluctuation through the Pseudo-Metamagnetism of CeRu2Si2
Aoki D, Paulsen C, Matsuda TD, Malone L, Knebel G, Haen P, Lejay P, Settai R, Onuki Y, Flouquet J
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 (2011) 053702
First Observation of Quantum Oscillations in the Ferromagnetic Superconductor UCoGe
Aoki D, Sheikin I, Matsuda TD, Taufour V, Knebel G, Flouquet J
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 (2011) 013705
Magnetic properties of URu(2)Si(2) under uniaxial stress by neutron scattering
Bourdarot F, Martin N, Raymond S, Regnault LP, Aoki D, Taufour V, Flouquet J
Physical Review B 84 (2011) 184430
Superconductivity of strongly correlated systems Foreword
Brison JP, Bouzdine A
Comptes Rendus Physique 12 (2011) 433-435
Phase diagram of CeVSb(3) under pressure and its dependence on pressure conditions
Colombier E, Knebel G, Salce B, Mun ED, Lin X, Bud'ko SL, Canfield PC
Physical Review B 84 (2011) 064442
Ferromagnetism in YbCu(2)Si(2) at high pressure
Fernandez-Panella A, Braithwaite D, Salce B, Lapertot G, Flouquet J
Physical Review B 84 (2011) 134416
Transverse and longitudinal magnetic-field responses in the Ising ferromagnets URhGe, UCoGe, and UGe2
Hardy F, Aoki D, Meingast C, Schweiss P, Burger P, Von Lohneysen H, Flouquet J
Physical Review B 83 (2011) 195107
The upper critical field of CeCoIn(5)
Howald L, Knebel G, Aoki D, Lapertot G, Brison JP
New Journal of Physics 13 (2011) 113039
Behavior of the Quantum Critical Point and the Fermi-Liquid Domain in the Heavy Fermion Superconductor CeCoIn5 Studied by Resistivity
Howald L, Seyfarth G, Knebel G, Lapertot G, Aoki D, Brison JP
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 (2011) 024710
Antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in cerium based heavy-fermion compounds
Knebel G, Aoki D, Flouquet J
Comptes Rendus Physique 12 (2011) 542-566
Evolution toward Quantum Critical End Point in UGe(2)
Kotegawa H, Taufour V, Aoki D, Knebel G, Flouquet J
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 (2011) 083703
Orbital anisotropy and low-energy excitations of the quasi-one-dimensional conductor beta-Sr(0.17)V(2)O(5)
Laverock J, Preston ARH, Chen B, McNulty J, Smith KE, Piper LFJ, Glans PA, Guo JH, Marin C, Janod E, Phuoc VT
Physical Review B 84 (2011) 155103
Magnetic chirality of the spin triplet in the spin-ladder compound Sr(14)Cu(24)O(41) as seen via polarized inelastic neutron scattering
Lorenzo JE, Regnault LP, Boullier C, Martin N, Vanishri S, Marin C
Physical Review B 83 (2011) 140413
Thermoelectric evidence for high-field anomalies in the hidden order phase of URu2Si2
Malone L, Matusda TD, Antunes A, Knebel G, Taufour V, Aoki D, Behnia K, Proust C, Flouquet J
Physical Review B 83 (2011) 245117
Details of Sample Dependence and Transport Properties of URu(2)Si(2)
Matsuda TD, Hassinger E, Aoki D, Taufour V, Knebel G, Tateiwa N, Yamamoto E, Haga Y, Onuki Y, Fisk Z, Flouquet J
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 (2011) 114710
Strong Longitudinal Magnetic Fluctuations Near Critical End Point in UCoAl: A (59)Co-NMR Study
Nohara H, Kotegawa H, Tou H, Matsuda TD, Yamamoto E, Haga Y, Fisk Z, Onuki Y, Aoki D, Flouquet J
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 (2011) 093707
Effects of nonmagnetic La impurities on the spin resonance of Ce(1-x)La(x)CoIn(5) single crystals as seen via inelastic neutron scattering
Panarin J, Raymond S, Lapertot G, Flouquet J, Mignot JM
Physical Review B 84 (2011) 052505
Interplay of Superconductivity, Antiferromagnetism, and Pauli Depairing in CeCoIn5
Paulsen C, Aoki D, Knebel G, Flouquet J
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 (2011) 053701
Magnetic and electronic properties of NpFeGa(5)
Sanchez JP, Aoki D, Eloirdi R, Gaczynski P, Griveau JC, Colineau E, Caciuffo R
Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 23 (2011) 295601
Field-Induced Antiferromagnetic State in Non-centrosymmetric Superconductor CeIrSi(3)
Settai R, Katayama K, Aoki D, Sheikin I, Knebel G, Flouquet J, Onuki Y
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 (2011) 094703
Resonant x-ray scattering study of the URu2Si2 hidden-order phase
Walker HC, Caciuffo R, Aoki D, Bourdarot F, Lander GH, Flouquet J
Physical Review B 83 (2011) 193102
Exotic transition in the three-dimensional spin-liquid candidate Tb(2)Ti(2)O(7)
Yaouanc A, Dalmas de Reotier P, Chapuis Y, Marin C, Vanishri S, Aoki D, Fak B, Regnault LP, Buisson C, Amato A, Baines C, Hillier AD
Physical Review B 84 (2011) 184403
Single-crystal versus polycrystalline samples of magnetically frustrated Yb(2)Ti(2)O(7): Specific heat results
Yaouanc A, Dalmas de Reotier P, Marin C, Glazkov V
Physical Review B 84 (2011) 172408