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QuantAlps: A Grenoble-based research federation for quantum science and technology

QuantAlps brings together more than 200 scientists from 18 laboratories in Grenoble to shape the future of research and innovation in quantum science. This interdisciplinary research federation, supported by the CNRS, the CEA, Inria and the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA), aims to bring together research teams working in the fields of physics, computer science, mathematics and humanities to address the challenges of quantum technology and digital technology.

Published on 21 March 2022
The launch of QuantAlps will take place in Grenoble on Friday, March 25, 2022.

Over the last ten years, research in quantum physics has led to the discovery of many new fundamental insights that are producing an unprecedented acceleration at the heart of the second quantum revolution already underway. In this context, the scientific potential is constantly evolving and a national quantum strategy has been launched, accompanied by an increase in scientific and technological research funding in the field, notably through a priority research program and equipment mobilizing €150M. Internationally, this same research effort is being carried out in many countries and at the European level by the Quantum Flagship Project.

Grenoble has historically had all the assets to be a major player in quantum science and technology today. In 2017, the IdEx Université Grenoble Alpes launched the "Quantum Engineering Grenoble (QuEnG)" project to create interdisciplinary synergies in the field of quantum engineering. It is in the continuity of QuEnG that the QuantAlps research federation aims to become a major player in quantum technologies at the global level and to create an innovative ecosystem for quantum sciences in Grenoble.

To achieve this, QuantAlps will rely on more than 200 scientists from CNRS, UGA, CEA and Inria laboratories who will work on five federative projects aligned with the national strategy for quantum technologies and the European strategy in the field: quantum computation, quantum simulation, quantum sensors, quantum communication, and new synergies arising from transversal fundamental knowledge for quantum technologies.

QuantAlps therefore proposes to federate and bring together Grenoble's quantum forces with the following objectives:
- To structure an ecosystem for quantum technologies: interdisciplinary and strongly coupled to companies to contribute to the hatching of startups.
- Stimulate new interdisciplinary and/or intersectoral synergies at the scale of the federation. QuantAlps will function as a think tank.
- To promote training in the field of quantum science and technology, with a strong international focus.
- To increase the attractiveness and visibility of the site, notably by developing partnerships with national and international quantum centers.
- To integrate actions into a scientific, industrial, environmental and societal strategy consistent with national priorities.

List of laboratories involved in QuantAlps

DSBT: Low Temperature Systems Department Department (CEA - UGA)
GIPSA-Lab: Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique Laboratory (CNRS - UGA - Grenoble INP-UGA - Inria)
Innovacs: Research Federation for Innovation, Knowledge and Society (CNRS - UGA - Grenoble INP-UGA - USMB)
Institut Néel: Laboratory of fundamental research in physics (CNRS, under agreement with UGA)
Institut Fourier: Grenoble Mathematics Laboratory (CNRS - UGA)
IPHIG: Grenoble Institute of Philosophy (UGA)
Leti: Electronics and Information Technology Laboratory (CEA)
LIG: Grenoble Computer Science Laboratory (CNRS - UGA - Grenoble INP-UGA - Inria)
LIST: Intelligent Digital Systems Laboratory (CEA)
LNCMI: National Laboratory for Intense Magnetic Fields (CNRS)
LPMMC: Laboratory of physics and modeling of condensed media (CNRS - UGA)
MEM: Modeling and Exploration of Materials Laboratory (CEA - UGA)
PACTE: Grenoble Social Science Laboratory (CNRS - UGA - Science Po Grenoble-UGA)
PHELIQS: Quantum Photonics, Electronics and Engineering Laboratory (CEA - UGA)
SPINTEC: Spintronics and component technology Laboratory (CNRS - CEA - UGA)
TIMA: Technique of computer science and microelectronics for the architecture of integrated systems (CNRS - UGA - Grenoble INP-UGA)
VERIMAG: Advanced laboratory in the field of embedded systems (CNRS - UGA - Grenoble INP-UGA)
Inria Grenoble Rhône Alpes

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