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Atomic Scale Structural Characterization of Epitaxial (Cd,Cr)Te Magnetic Semiconductor
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Experimental and first-principles studies of high-pressure effects on the structural, electronic, and optical properties of semiconductors and lanthanide doped solids
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Strain-Gradient Position Mapping of Semiconductor Quantum Dots
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A solid-state single-photon filter
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Thin-Wall GaN/InAlN Multiple Quantum Well Tubes
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LEDs for lighting: Basic physics and prospects for energy savings
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Influence of phonons on solid-state cavity-QED investigated using nonequilibrium Green's functions
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Ultra-low threshold polariton lasing at room temperature in a GaN membrane microcavity with a zero-dimensional trap
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Enhanced Photon Extraction from a Nanowire Quantum Dot Using a Bottom-Up Photonic Shell
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Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy of plasmonic patch antennas: towards lower order and higher energies
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Widely power-tunable polarization-independent ultrafast mode-locked fiber laser using bulk InN as saturable absorber
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Near-Infrared Intersubband Photodetection in GaN/AlN Nanowires
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Short-wave infrared (lambda=3 mu m) intersubband polaritons in the GaN/AlN system
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Effect of Al incorporation in nonpolar m-plane GaN/AlGaN multi-quantum-wells using plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy
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Effect of Ge-doping on the short-wave, mid- and far-infrared intersubband transitions in GaN/AlGaN heterostructures
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Gallium kinetics on m-plane GaN
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Carrier Localization in GaN/AlN Quantum Dots As Revealed by Three-Dimensional Multimicroscopy
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Multi-excitonic emission from Stranski-Krastanov GaN/AlN quantum dots inside a nanoscale tip
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Bias-Controlled Optical Transitions in GaN/AlN Nanowire Heterostructures
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Development of AlInN photoconductors deposited by sputtering
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In-rich AlxIn1-xN grown by RF-sputtering on sapphire: from closely-packed columnar to high-surface quality compact layers
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Control of the incubation time in the vapor-solid-solid growth of semiconductor nanowires
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Antireflective Photonic Structure for Coherent Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Single Magnetic Quantum Dots
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Doping beta-Ga2O3 with europium: influence of the implantation and annealing temperature
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Low temperature time resolved photoluminescence in ordered and disordered Cu2ZnSnS4 single crystals
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Silane-Induced N-Polarity in Wires Probed by a Synchrotron Nanobeam
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Bias-Controlled Spectral Response in GaN/AlN Single-Nanowire Ultraviolet Photodetectors
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Ab initio and experimental studies of polarization and polarization related fields in nitrides and nitride structures
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Q factor limitation at short wavelength (around 300 nm) in III-nitride-onsilicon photonic crystal cavities
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Non-linear effects and thermoelectric efficiency of quantum dot-based single-electron transistors
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Highly uniform zinc blende GaAs nanowires on Si(111) using a controlled chemical oxide template
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P-i-n InGaN homojunctions (10-40% In) synthesized by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy with extended photoresponse to 600 nm
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Exploring coherence of individual excitons in InAs quantum dots embedded in natural photonic defects: Influence of the excitation intensity
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Comprehensive analyses of core-shell InGaN/GaN single nanowire photodiodes
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