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THz intersubband transitions in AlGaN/GaN multi-quantum-wells
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Pseudo-square AlGaN/GaN quantum wells for terahertz absorption
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Intraband Absorption in Self-Assembled Ge-Doped GaN/AlN Nanowire Heterostructures
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Quantum optics with quantum dots Towards semiconductor sources of quantum light for quantum information processing
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Influence of the V/III ratio in the gas phase on thin epitaxial AlN layers grown on (0001) sapphire by high temperature hydride vapor phase epitaxy
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M-Plane GaN/InAlN Multiple Quantum Wells in Core-Shell Wire Structure for UV Emission
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Boron-doped superlattices and Bragg mirrors in diamond
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High Precision, Electrochemical Detection of Reversible Binding of Recombinant Proteins on Wide Bandgap GaN Electrodes Functionalized with Biomembrane Models
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Analysis of photovoltaic properties of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)(4)-based solar cells
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Experimental evidence of light soaking effect in Cd-free Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)(4)-based solar cells
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Enhanced room-temperature mid-ultraviolet emission from AlGaN/AlN Stranski-Krastanov quantum dots
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Alloy inhomogeneity and carrier localization in AlGaN sections and AlGaN/AlN nanodisks in nanowires with 240-350 nm emission
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Ultra-smooth GaN membranes by photo-electrochemical etching for photonic applications
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Influence of free carriers on exciton ground states in quantum wells
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Experimental and theoretical analysis of transport properties of core-shell wire light emitting diodes probed by electron beam induced current microscopy
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Anisotropic In distribution in InGaN core-shell nanowires
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Composition of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Nanostructures Measured by Atom Probe Tomography and Its Dependence on the Surface Electric Field
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Aluminum nitride photonic crystals and microdiscs for ultra-violet nanophotonics
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Cathodoluminescence of stacking fault bound excitons for local probing of the exciton diffusion length in single GaN nanowires
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Effect of the quantum well thickness on the performance of InGaN photovoltaic cells
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Correlation of Microphotoluminescence Spectroscopy, Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy, and Atom Probe Tomography on a Single Nano-object Containing an InGaN/GaN Multiquantum Well System
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GaN:Pr3+ nanostructures for red solid state light emission
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Near-infrared gallium nitride two-dimensional photonic crystal platform on silicon
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Structure and Morphology in Diffusion-Driven Growth of Nanowires: The Case of ZnTe
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GaN wire-based Langmuir-Blodgett films for self-powered flexible strain sensors
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High-quality NbN nanofilms on a GaN/AlN heterostructure
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Integrated Photonic Platform Based on InGaN/GaN Nanowire Emitters and Detectors
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Differential ultrafast all-optical switching of the resonances of a micropillar cavity
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A polarity-driven nanometric luminescence asymmetry in AlN/GaN heterostructures
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Competing supersolids of Bose-Bose mixtures in a triangular lattice
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High In-content InGaN layers synthesized by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy: Growth conditions, strain relaxation, and In incorporation kinetics
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Improved conversion efficiency of as-grown InGaN/GaN quantum-well solar cells for hybrid integration
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Frequency cavity pulling induced by a single semiconductor quantum dot
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Strain-mediated coupling in a quantum dot-mechanical oscillator hybrid system
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