Defect-free ZnSe nanowire and nanoneedle nanostructures
Aichele T, Tribu A, Bougerol C, Kheng K, Andre R, Tatarenko S
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Anisotropic strain state of the [1(1)over-bar00] GaN quantum dots and quantum wires
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Spontaneous emission spectrum of a two-level atom in a very-high-Q cavity
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Synchronized and desynchronized phases of exciton-polariton condensates in the presence of disorder
Baas A, Lagoudakis KG, Richard M, Andre R, Dang LS, Deveaud-Pledran B
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Optical probing of spin fluctuations of a single paramagnetic Mn atom in a semiconductor quantum dot
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Optical probing of the spin state of a single magnetic atom in a quantum dot
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Electrically driven high-Q quantum dot-micropillar cavities
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Microcavity exciton-polariton mediated Raman scattering: Experiments and theory
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Rabi-like oscillations of an anharmonic oscillator: Classical versus quantum interpretation
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Relaxation of electron-hole pairs by coherent emission of LO-phonons in the quantum kinetic regime measured in CdZnTe quantum wells
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Spatial fluctuations of optical emission from single ZnO/MgZnO nanowire quantum wells
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Polar and nonpolar GaN quantum dots
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Efficient photonic mirrors for semiconductor nanowires
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Photoluminescence experiment on quantum dots embedded in a large Purcell-factor microcavity
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Controlling the emission profile of a nanowire with a conical taper
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Anisotropic magneto-optical effects in CdTe/Cd0.75Mn0.25Te quantum wire structures
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Efficient Bragg diffraction in thin semiconductor two-dimensional gratings
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High frequency measurements on an AlN/GaN-based intersubband detector at 1550 and 780 nm
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Monolithically integrated AlGaN/GaN/AIN-based solar-blind ultraviolet and near-infrared detectors
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GaN/AlN short-period superlattices for intersubband optoelectronics: A systematic study of their epitaxial growth, design, and performance
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Bose-Einstein condensation in semiconductors: myth or reality?
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Second-order time correlations within a polariton Bose-Einstein condensate in a CdTe microcavity
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Formation of an exciton polariton condensate: Thermodynamic versus kinetic regimes
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Photoluminescence of ZnMnTe quantum-well structures in a magnetic field
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Electrooptical modulator at telecommunication wavelengths based on GaN-AlN coupled quantum wells
Kheirodin N, Nevou L, Machhadani H, Crozat P, Vivien L, Tchernycheva M, Lupu A, Julien FH, Pozzovivo G, Golka S, Strasser G, Guillot E, Monroy E
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Electro-optical intersubband modulators at telecommunication wavelengths based on GaN/AlN quantum wells
Kheirodin N, Nevou L, Machhadani H, Tchernycheva M, Lupu A, Julien FH, Crozat P, Meignien L, Warde E, Vivien L, Pozzovivo G, Golka S, Strasser G, Guillot F, Monroy E, Remmele T, Albrecht M
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Motional enhancement of the exciton magnetic moment
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Excitons in motion: universal dependence of the magnetic moment on kinetic energy
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Violet-light spontaneous and stimulated emission from ultrathin In-rich InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition
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Optical and microstructural studies of atomically flat ultrathin In-rich InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells
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Room-temperature optical orientation of the exciton spin in cubic GaN/AlN quantum dots
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Quantized vortices in an exciton-polariton condensate
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Interband and intersubband optical characterization of semipolar (11(2)over-bar2)-oriented GaN/AlN multiple-quantum-well structures
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Ga kinetics in plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy of GaN(11(2)over-bar2): Effect on the structural and optical properties
Lahourcade L, Renard J, Gayral B, Monroy E, Chauvat MP, Ruterana P
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Plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy growth of GaN nanowires using indium-enhanced diffusion
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Optical properties of GaN/AlN quantum dots
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Intrinsic decoherence mechanisms in the microcavity polariton condensate
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Phase diagram for condensation of microcavity polaritons: From theory to practice
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Negative magnetopolarization in thermally annealed self-assembled quantum dots
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Intensity beats on RHEED oscillations during MBE growth of ZnTe
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Intraband emission at lambda approximate to 1.48 mu m from GaN/AlN quantum dots at room temperature
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Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 161105
Observation of strong-coupling effects in a diluted magnetic semiconductor Ga1-xFexN
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Optical properties of m-plane GaN quantum dots and quantum wires
Renard J, Amstatt B, Bougerol C, Bellet-Amalric E, Daudin B, Gayral B
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (2008) 103528
Exciton and biexciton luminescence from single GaN/AlN quantum dots in nanowires
Renard J, Songmuang R, Bougerol C, Daudin B, Gayral B
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Low residual doping level in homoepitaxially grown ZnO layers
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Control of non-Markovian effects in the dynamics of polaritons in semiconductor microcavities
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Measuring local lattice polarity in AlN and GaN by high resolution Z-contrast imaging: The case of (0001) and (1(1)over-bar00) GaN quantum dots
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Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 201904
New germanates RCrGeO5 (R = Nd-Er, Y): Synthesis, structure, and properties
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Motion-dependent magnetic properties of excitons in CdTe
Smith LC, Davies JJ, Wolverson D, Crampin S, Cox RT, Cibert J, Mariette H, Kochereshko VP, Wiater M, Karczewski G, Wojtowicz T
Physical Review B 78 (2008) 085204
Ultrafast reset time of superconducting single photon detectors
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Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 241112
A High-Temperature Single-Photon Source from Nanowire Quantum Dots
Tribu A, Sallen G, Aichele T, Andre R, Poizat JP, Bougerol C, Tatarenko S, Kheng K
Nano Letters 8 (2008) 4326-4329
Characterization of the resonant third-order nonlinear susceptibility of Si-doped GaN-AlN quantum wells and quantum dots at 1.5 mu m
Valdueza-Felip S, Naranjo FB, Gonzalez-Herraez M, Fernandez H, Solis J, Guillot F, Monroy E, Nevou L, Tchernycheva M, Julien EH
Ieee Photonics Technology Letters 20 (2008) 1366-1368
Near infrared quantum cascade detector in GaN/AlGaN/AlN heterostructures
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Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 011112
High-speed operation of GaN/AlGaN quantum cascade detectors at lambda approximate to 1.55 µm
Vardi A, Kheirodin N, Nevou L, Machhadani H, Vivien L, Crozat P, Tchernycheva M, Colombelli R, Julien FH, Guillot F, Bougerol C, Monroy E, Schacham S, Bahir G
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Application of a single-reflection collimating multilayer optic for X-ray diffraction experiments employing parallel-beam geometry
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Probing exciton diffusion in semiconductors using semiconductor-nanorod quantum structures
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