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Unraveling the strain state of GaN down to single nanowires
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GaN Rods Grown on Si by SAG-HVPE toward GaN HVPE/InGaN MOVPE Core/Shell Structures
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Optical properties of photodetectors based on single GaN nanowires with a transparent graphene contact
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Quantum Dot-Like Behavior of Compositional Fluctuations in AIGaN Nanowires
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Composition Analysis of III-Nitrides at the Nanometer Scale: Comparison of Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy and Atom Probe Tomography
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Optical properties of wurtzite GaN/AlN quantum dots grown on non-polar planes: The effect of stacking faults in the reduction of the internal electric field
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Reprint of: Optical properties of wurtzite GaN/AlN quantum dots grown on non-polar planes: The effect of stacking faults in the reduction of the internal electric field
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A fiber-coupled quantum-dot on a photonic tip
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Direct Measurement of Polarization-Induced Fields in GaN/AlN by Nano-Beam Electron Diffraction
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Multi-wave coherent control of a solid-state single emitter
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Coherent manipulation of a solid-state artificial atom with few photons
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A broadband tapered nanocavity for efficient nonclassical light emission
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Flexible White Light Emitting Diodes Based on Nitride Nanowires and Nanophosphors
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ACS Photonics 3 (2016) 597-603
Impact of Phonons on Dephasing of Individual Excitons in Deterministic Quantum Dot Microlenses
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Radiatively Limited Dephasing and Exciton Dynamics in MoSe2 Monolayers Revealed with Four-Wave Mixing Microscopy
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Deterministic radiative coupling between plasmonic nanoantennas and semiconducting nanowire quantum dots
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Impact of recess etching and surface treatments on ohmic contacts regrown by molecular-beam epitaxy for AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors
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High pressure and time resolved studies of optical properties of n-type doped GaN/AlN multi-quantum wells: Experimental and theoretical analysis
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Correlation of optical and structural properties of GaN/AIN multi-quantum wells-Ab initio and experimental study
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UV Photosensing Characteristics of Nanowire-Based GaN/AlN Superlattices
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Effect of doping on the far-infrared intersubband transitions in nonpolar m-plane GaN/AlGaN heterostructures
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Ultrafast dynamical response of the lower exciton-polariton branch in CdZnTe
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Scalable performance in solid-state single-photon sources
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PyNX.Ptycho: a computing library for X-ray coherent diffraction imaging of nanostructures
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Harvesting, Coupling, and Control of Single-Exciton Coherences in Photonic Waveguide Antennas
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Dynamics of excitons in individual InAs quantum dots revealed in four-wave mixing spectroscopy
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Lifetime Measurements Well below the Optical Diffraction Limit
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Direct assessment of p-n junctions in single GaN nanowires by Kelvin probe force microscopy
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III-nitride-based waveguides for ultrafast all-optical signal processing at 1.55 mu m
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Morphology and arrangement of InN nanocolumns deposited by radio-frequency sputtering: Effect of the buffer layer
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Strained GaAs/InGaAs Core-Shell Nanowires for Photovoltaic Applications
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Dependence of the photovoltaic performance of pseudomorphic InGaN/GaN multiple-quantum-well solar cells on the active region thickness
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Design of broadband high-efficiency superconducting-nanowire single photon detectors
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Phase-matched second harmonic generation with on-chip GaN-on-Si microdisks
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Near-infrared III-nitride-on-silicon nanophotonic platform with microdisk resonators
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Optics Express 24 (2016) 9602-9610
Phonon-plasmon coupling in Si doped GaN nanowires
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Diffusion-driven growth of nanowires by low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy
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Quantitative Reconstructions of 3D Chemical Nanostructures in Nanowires
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Deep-UV nitride-on-silicon microdisk lasers
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III-Nitride-on-silicon microdisk lasers from the blue to the deep ultra-violet
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Near-optimal single-photon sources in the solid state
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Nature Photonics 10 (2016) 340-345
Determination of the Optimal Shell Thickness for Self-Catalyzed GaAs/AlGaAs Core-Shell Nanowires on Silicon
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Large and Uniform Optical Emission Shifts in Quantum Dots Strained along Their Growth Axis
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High-Fidelity and Ultrafast Initialization of a Hole Spin Bound to a Te Isoelectronic Center in ZnSe
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Optimal all-optical switching of a microcavity resonance in the telecom range using the electronic Kerr effect
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Optics Express 24 (2016) 239-253
Nanometer-scale monitoring of quantum-confined Stark effect and emission efficiency droop in multiple GaN/AlN quantum disks in nanowires
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Imaging of Photonic Crystal Localized Modes through Third-Harmonic Generation
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ACS Photonics 3 (2016) 1240-1247
Flexible Photodiodes Based on Nitride Core/Shell p-n Junction Nanowires
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Chemical composition fluctuations and strain relaxation in InGaN nanowires: The role of the metal/nitrogen flux ratio
Zhang X, Belloeil M, Jouneau P-H, Bougerol C, Gayral B and Daudin B
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Growth mechanism of InGaN nanoumbrellas
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InGaN nanowires with high InN molar fraction: growth, structural and optical properties
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