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Chemical twinning of the pyrochlore structure in the system Bi2O3-Fe2O3-Nb2O5
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Dynamical ultrafast all-optical switching of planar GaAs/AIAs photonic microcavities
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The growth and rare-earth doping of GaN quantum dots on AlxGa1-xN layer by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy
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GaN quantum dots grown on AlxGa1-xN layer by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy
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Enhancement of the longitudinal magnetic moment of the exciton due to its motion
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Charge distribution and vertical electron transport through GaN/AlN/GaN single-barrier structures
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Valence-band mixing in neutral, charged, and Mn-doped self-assembled quantum dots
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Self-assembly of CdSe/ZnSe(001) quantum dot structures mediated by a tellurium cap layer
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Optical characterization of thermally annealed self-assembled ZnCdSe quantum dots
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Third order nonlinear susceptibility of InN at near band-gap wavelengths
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Short-wavelength intersubband electroabsorption modulation based on electron tunneling between GaN/AlN coupled quantum wells
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Short wavelength (lambda=2.13 mu m) intersubband luminescence from GaN/AlN quantum wells at room temperature
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High Q whispering gallery modes in GaAs/AlAs pillar microcavities
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Excitonic giant zeeman effect in GaN : Mn3+
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Evidence for low density of nonradiative defects in ZnO nanowires grown by metal organic vapor-phase epitaxy
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Probing exciton localization in nonpolar GaN/AlN quantum dots by single-dot optical spectroscopy
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CdSe/ZnSe quantum dot structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy with a CdTe submonolayer stressor
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Quantum communication with quantum dot spins
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From nucleation to growth of catalyst-free GaN nanowires on thin AlN buffer layer
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Room temperature lasing of InAs/GaAs quantum dots in the whispering gallery modes of a silica microsphere
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Growth of GaN free-standing nanowires by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy: structural and optical characterization
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Cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy study on II-VI multilayer structures
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