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Electrically adjustable intersubband absorption of a GaN/AlN superlattice grown on a transistorlike structure
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Linear and dynamical photoinduced dichroisms of InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots: Population relaxation and decoherence measurements
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Spin susceptibility enhancement in a two-dimensional hole gas
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Resonant Raman scattering by CdTe quantum-well-confined optical phonons in a semiconductor microcavity
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Coherent spin dynamics of exciton-polaritons in diluted magnetic microcavities
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Comparison of carrier dynamics in GaN quantum dots and GaN quantum wells embedded in low-Al-content AlGaN waveguides
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Mechanism of GaN quantum dots capped with AlN: An AFM, electron microscopy, and x-ray anomalous diffraction study
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Raman study and theoretical calculations of strain in GaN quantum dot multilayers
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Motional enhancement of exciton magnetic moments in zinc-blende semiconductors
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Intraband photodetection at 1.3-1.5 mu m in self-organized GaN/AlN quantum dots
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Resonant Raman scattering in self-assembled GaN/AlN quantum dots
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Unit-cell intergrowth of pyrochlore and hexagonal tungsten bronze structures in secondary tungsten minerals
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Si-doped GaN/AlN quantum dot superlattices for optoelectronics at telecommunication wavelengths
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GaN/AlGaN superlattices for optoelectronics in the mid-infrared
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High-quality AlN/GaN-superlattice structures for the fabrication of narrow-band 1.4 mu m photovoltaic intersubband detectors
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Undoped and rare-earth doped GaN quantum dots on AlGaN
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GaN quantum dots doped with Tb
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High-Curie-temperature ferromagnetism in self-organized Ge1-xMnx nanocolumns
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Electrical control of a single mn atom in a quantum dot
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Inserting one single Mn ion into a quantum dot
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Control of single spins in individual magnetic quantum dots
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Microphotoluminescence study of p-type (Cd,Mn)Te quantum wells
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Strong heavy-hole-light-hole mixing in CdZnSe quantum dots
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Observation of hot luminescence and slow inter-sub-band relaxation in Si-doped GaN/AlxGa1-xN (x=0.11, 0.25) multi-quantum-well structures
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Luminescence properties of highly Si-doped AlN
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Room-temperature intersubband emission of GaN/AlN quantum wells at lambda=2.3 mu m
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Intersubband resonant enhancement of second-harmonic generation in GaN/AlN quantum wells
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Effect of the s,p-d exchange interaction on the excitons in Zn1-xCoxO epilayers
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Time- and spectrally-resolved four-wave mixing in single CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots
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Strained InGaAs quantum well vertical cavity surface emitting lasers emitting at 1.3 mu m
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Relation between growth procedure and confinement properties of CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots
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Comparison of the structural quality in Ga-face and N-face polarity GaN/AlN multiple-quantum-well structures
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Electron confinement in strongly coupled GaN/AlN quantum wells
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Optical and theoretical study of strong electron coupling in double GaN/AlN quantum wells
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Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics 243 (2006) 1630-1633
Systematic experimental and theoretical investigation of intersubband absorption in GaN/AlN quantum wells
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Strong electric field and nonuniformity effects in GaN/AlN quantum dots revealed by high pressure studies
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Coexistence of type-I and type-II band lineups in Cd(Te,Se)/ZnSe quantum-dot structures
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Room temperature demonstration of GaN/AlN quantum dot intraband infrared photodetector at fiber-optics communication wavelength
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