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Manuel Houzet

CEA Grenoble
IRIG/PHELIQS bât. C5, pièce 511
17, avenue des Martyrs
F-38054 Grenoble Cedex 9
Phone: +

Curriculum Vitæ

Current position: Researcher at IRIG/PHELIQS, CEA, France

Nov 2002 Researcher at CEA Grenoble, France in the Theory Group of PHELIQS
Oct 2003-Dec 2004 Associate researcher at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA: Theoretical Physics Institute, with Leonid Glazman
Nov 2001-Nov 2002 Postdoc at CEA Grenoble, France in the Theory Group of INAC/SPSMS, with Vladimir Mineev
Sep 1997-Jun 1998
and Jul 1999-Jun 2001
Teaching and research assistant (AMN) at Université Bordeaux 1, France
Sep 1993- Aug 1997 Scholarship from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France

Mar 30, 2011 Habilitation in physics (HDR), Université Joseph Fourier-Grenoble 1, France
Title: Out-of-equilibrium mesoscopic superconductivity
Jun 20, 2001 PhD in theoretical condensed matter physics, Université Bordeaux 1, France
Supervisor: Alexandre Buzdin
Title: Incommensurate phases in superconductors and spin-Peierls systems
1996 Agrégation de sciences physiques, option physique (an examination for teaching positions in the French public education system)

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